Actual stars: 3,5This book was definitely my least favourite in the series so far. It's not that I missed pov's of the more popular characters such as Dany, Jon, etc. but because I felt that for the first time the book was too long in order to tell the story that Martin wanted to tell. I didn't particularly like the pacing and some bits (like 70% of Brienne's story line!) could have been cut in my opinion. This might have to do with the fact that I started reading it directly after the first three books and was having a bit of a Martin-overdosis at the time. In retrospect, I really think I would have enjoyed it more if I had a bit of break between the books. However, despite some minor problems here and there, I still enjoyed the book on some level and it definitely made me curious for A Dance with Dragons. Thus I'm giving it a positive 3,5 stars (leaning towards four) rather than the lukewarm 3 stars.